NLP on GitHub comments

1 minute read

The dataset I am using in this project (github_comments.tsv) that carries 4000 comments that were published on pull requests on Github by developer teams.

Here is an explanation of the table columns:

  • Comment: the comment made by a developer on the pull request.
  • Comment_date: date at which the comment was published
  • Is_merged: shows whether the pull request on which the comment was made has been accepted (therefore merged) or rejected.
  • Merged_at: date at which the pull request was merged (if accepted).
  • Request_changes: each comment is labelled either 1 or 0: if it’s labelled as 1 if the comment is a request for change in the code. If not, it’s labelled as 0.

The GitHub of the project can be found here :

The goal is to dig deeper into the nature of blockers and analyze the requests for change. If possible, try to answer the following questions:

  • What are the most common problems that appear in these comments?
  • Can we cluster the problems by topic/problem type?
  • How long is the resolution time after a change was requested?


  • Report.pdf is a PDF report that details my approach.
  • images is a collection of the images that I included in my report
  • TopicModelling.ipynb is a Jupyter Notebook in which I have do my analysis in Python
  • corpus.pkl, dictionary.gensim, and all files starting with model… are files generated in the notebook that I use to avoid re-running some steps.

Theory covered

This project covers the concepts of :

  • Topic Modelling using LDA
  • Clustering through tf-idf and BoW
  • Dimension reduction through t-SNE and truncated SVD
  • Classification and Regression algorithms